In about a month, I will be going to my first psychiatric appointment. I want to know why I don't seem to be functioning like other people. I've gotten so so lazy, and sad but happy. And there's some other things going on too. But I want to share that journey with you.
But let's rewind a bit....
My name is Anestazia. I'm going to be hitting 30 in a few years. I'm not going to lie, I'm already freaking out. I don't have a significant other, I don't have children, I'm not that committed to my job. So what have I accomplished?
Well, I have a beautiful puppy girl named Kassie.
I discovered the beauty of yoga.
I did finish school with my Bachelor's in accounting.
I moved to a new city (that's still fairly close to home).
I've discovered a love for wine.
I had a beautiful kitty (unfortunately, she passed away last week)
So, I've done a few things right. Now I just need to get my head clear and keep chugging forward.
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